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Hypnobabies Birth Doula at Northside Hospital Atlanta

A natural birth at Northside Hospital in Atlanta

About the author: Hi, I’m Nicole DiBella, your Lawrenceville Doula. I bring to you knowledge, support, and resources as you experience this new adventure in life. I want you to believe in you as much as I do!

Peachtree Women’s Clinic and the Labor and Delivery Nurses at Northside Hospital in Atlanta blew me away!

Now this doesn’t happen often at any practice or hospital in Atlanta, but my experience at Northside and the support team that I worked alongside needs to be shared. So, here I am to tell you why the midwives, obstetricians and nurses made my job as a birth doula so enjoyable…

A Hypnobirthing Birth Story at Northside Hospital

Now I do not wish to share my client’s Hypnobabies birth story for her, so I will try to keep it to as few details as I can. With that being said, let’s get to the juicy details!

  • First time Mom prepared with Hypnobabies Childbirth Classes
  • Gave birth just shy of 37 weeks, previously observed for low amniotic fluid
  • Vaginal birth after minimal interventions 39 hours after water broke
  • Marianne Hoepfner and Wendy Freeman were welcoming and inclusive of my presence
  • Dr. Jenny Jo Grossman (self-described as a Midwife trapped in an OB’s body) was very patient and trusting in the process
  • The care from the midwives was so compassionate, supportive and accommodating
  • Each discussion about the next step to consider was presented in a conversational style
  • Each and every one of the couple’s BRAND questions for informed consent was met with respect
  • The Labor and Delivery Nurses, specifically Casey and Jamie, kept the atmosphere positive and were never intrusive
  • Intermittent monitoring by hand when possible
  • IV fluids only when combined with medication/antibiotics, otherwise no additional fluids
  • Skin to Skin heavily promoted immediately after birth and encouraged to help new baby to regulate respiration
  • Neonatal resuscitation team were patient and cheerleading for the baby to stay with his Mom, and after an hour of in room observation they reluctantly moved the baby to the Transition Nursery

Most of the time I see bits and pieces of this type of care, but I can’t recall many times seeing such a challenging labor unfold in this beautiful way. Especially not at ‘The Baby Factory’ with a Cesarean rate of around 40%. Just goes to show that there are no absolutes! We do not give birth by numbers!

No matter what happens, birth is an adventure!

If you would like to have your baby at Northside Hospital in Atlanta, I highly encourage you to check out Peachtree Women’s Clinic. I should add that I would be thrilled to support your family as a labor doula and see many more births that move me to an overwhelming feeling of awe and gratitude.

You deserve a birth experience like that. Let’s talk about making that happen, together.

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