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How it all got started

About the author: Hi, I’m Nicole DiBella, your Lawrenceville Doula. I bring to you knowledge, support, and resources as you experience this new adventure in life. I want you to believe in you as much as I do!

Who knew that in February 2008, I would quit smoking and essentially change my life forever, in ways I could never have imagined? Not me.


Having tried to quit smoking using the patch (18 months & 25 pounds later I fell off the wagon), and also, cold turkey ( WATCH OUT!!!), both with no luck, I remembered that a friend had gone to a Stop Smoking Through Hypnosis Seminar. I was too shy, lazy, cheap, whatever I could think of, to NOT go to one of these seminars, but was interested in the concept. After doing some poking around on the web, I found a few at home self-hypnosis programs available and decided on one by Steven Ira Present. It was a 2 1/2 hour commitment, but I knew I could do it. I ordered it and when it arrived I planned a special day to listen. I was home alone, smoked my last (really?) cigarette and took a long shower (including a good toothbrushing/flossing/rinsing), then settled in to listen. While I was listening a few times I found myself wondering if this was really working. I felt normal, I wasn’t asleep and I could hold thoughts in my head without wandering off. After the CD was over, I didn’t want a smoke. So, here I am at least 3 hours since my last cigarette and wasn’t concerned about when the next one would come. I can honestly say that I NEVER WANTED another cigarette after that session. Here’s what happened next:

I had never been one to watch what I ate or work-out, exercise, play sports- nothing like that at all. Not to say that I didn’t have to or need to, I just never did, especially since I was a heavy smoker. I figured ‘what’s the point?’. After I stopped smoking though, I felt compelled to eat better. I became so interested in nutrition and diet. I learned so much and applied much of it to my eating habits. Come to think of it, I actually started with the ‘Special K Challenge’. Anybody familiar with that one? It wasn’t until after I had done a lot more research on healthy eating that I realized the error of the Special K way and developed my own daily menu of meals and snacks. I must admit that the ‘Special K Challenge’ DID help me lose those first few pounds and get used to a new way of eating throughout the day. Suddenly, I was walking everyday with the dogs. They didn’t know what hit them! Next came the home gym-ish in the garage. Who IS this person?!?!? Next thing you know, I decide that if I run, my walks will be faster and so here I am- cardio 30 minutes followed by light weights and floor exercises for abs 5-6 times a week. I sure felt great! While all this was happening I decided to take measurements and weight tracking. By my 30th birthday on July 31st I had lost right about 25 pounds and countless inches, down from a size 8-10 to 4-6. WOW! Then…

A baby on the way! Because of my newly found healthy lifestyle I knew that I had to have our baby naturally with no drugs. With a helpful pamphlet that my Midwife gave me about using hypnosis for childbirth (I didn’t go with that method) I did more research on the good ol’ internet and found Hypnobabies® Childbirth Hypnosis! This program was so extensive and offered so much for expectant parents. So much more information beyond hypnosis techniques. It was a fully comprehensive childbirth education class with an emphasis on self-hypnosis for comfort. I knew I had to invest in these classes so we agreed that this was to be our ‘big’ Christmas gift to ourselves and we signed up for the 6 weeks of classes. When Marlowe’s birthday came along, we were NEVER fearful and ALWAYS excited for what was happening. After Marlowe was born, I knew I had to share my story with anyone who would listen and that turned into a longing to help all the mommies I can have the birth that they envision, like I did. Their BEST birth. Easy, fast, comfortable, enjoyable, confident birth days for all!

So in July 2009, I went to California with my new baby girl and my mother to become a Hypnobabies® Childbirth Hypnosis Instructor and Doula. I completed my Certification Exam and received  my OFFICIAL certification (#135)!! This is just the beginning, and thank you so much for your interest and support 🙂

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